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Will Low T Treatment Help Me Lose Weight?

The primary male hormone, testosterone, has many vital functions. Some of its most important roles? Maintaining muscle mass and promoting muscle growth and bone strength.

As testosterone levels decline with age, so do muscle mass and bone strength. Think about it: Muscle helps you burn more calories than fat tissue. As you lose muscle, you may be at a higher risk of overeating and storing those extra calories as fat.

Some researchers even believe reduced muscle mass is why Low Testosterone (Low T) leads to weight gain in men.

Your Low T treatment may help you lose weight

Several studies examining the effects of medically-supervised treatment for Low T deficient men have yielded positive results.

In a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, 82 obese men ate a reduced-calorie diet and received testosterone injections. These men had greater reductions in fat mass compared to another group of obese men on a low-calorie diet who received no Low T treatment. The study concluded that while the dieting men taking a placebo lost fat and lean mass, the weight loss for men on testosterone treatment was almost exclusively due to loss of body fat.

Makes sense, doesn’t it? By promoting muscle growth, Low T treatment can boost the number of calories you burn. And there’s more good news…It may also reduce fatigue and inspire you to get moving or push yourself during your workouts. All of which play major roles in weight loss!

Medically supervised, trusted treatment for Low T is here

Low T doesn’t have to keep you from living an active, healthy life. Not when the dedicated medical professionals at SynergenX Health are here to help. Using a personalized, diligent approach, our highly-trained doctors, physician’s assistants and nurses provide Low T treatment in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Chicago. From your initial physical exam to your precision-tailored Low T treatment, we’ll closely monitor your progress and adjust your treatment as necessary. The results you need are a click or a phone call away—take the first step back to feeling great today!

To schedule an appointment, call toll-free, 888-219-7259 to find the location nearest you, or click here to use our online form.

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